Monday, January 17, 2011

It's been awhile.

Just thought I would come here for a quick post. This is where I come to make peace with myself. I've had a baby, made some career decisions, changed my job, changed my income. it's been a hell of a ride.

It's funny...I can't even imagine going back to my old job. My life has been full of appointments. For the baby, for the older kids, for me. We only have the kids in 1 extra activity each and it seems crazy. I am working great hours and still feel like I don't have time for everything.

It's this feeling, in my heart and soul, that i know I made the best decision.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Some Good Stuff

Renewing our mortgage was great big pain in the arse, but it is done and we can move forward from here without too much trouble.

We are moving slower than we would like but I think it will pay off in the end as we won't take on too much at once.

Today is a Mommy Home Day which means some great time with the kids.

Today we are painting and learnin how to make a milkshake!

Good times and I am greatful.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hard Time posting

I have been having a hard time posting to this blog. it is supposed to be about the life I created. I haven't been feeling like I have been creating much worth talking about. Or if I have I have been too busy creating and not had any time to post about it. So I thought I would check in and leave a little note to let you know that I have not forgotten about the original purpose of this blog. I have just been trying to live it for the past little while.

On all fronts our life is really rich right now. Although I'll let you know at the end of the week when we renew our mortgage. Yikes!

We are planning some repairs to this old house this summer. my in-laws are travelling, ugh childcare nightmare about to happen. But I'm hoping to take some much needed time off this summer and we'll get it worked out.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Moments in Time

First I have to tell you about my week. What I had to do to create the week I wanted. I am only working three days this week and taking two vacation days tues and thurs to attend doctor, therapy and clinic appointments with the kids.

Monday was my son's first christmas pagent. It was at 2pm. How was I going to make it? I decided that I could not since I was already taking 2 vacation days this week. I could not take another afternoon off. The week before I had made the decision that I could not go. My MIL was going to go and take our daughter and all would be fine. The boy started talking about the pagent on the weekend, how excited he was and that I was going to be there to see it! When Monday finally came I sent him to school knowing I would not be there and the gnawing started in my stomach.

As the day progressed I became more and more distressed about missing this moment. Finally I had to pull the pin and go home sick because my body was telling me this was important and if I didn't do something IT was. I actually had a feeling like I was going to explode. NOT good! As I drove away from the building I felt so guilty. Like I was cheating. Skipping school, but worse.

So I arrived home got everyone packed up and to the school. The joint was packed. HOW did all these parents manage this??? What happened next I will never forget.

The lights dimmed the music started and 28 beautiful JK/SK kids started to sing. Then our son, with Cerebral Palsy, walked across the stage, WALKED, by himself. He took his place on the stage and sang with his class. I could see his eyes darting around the audience looking, searching and then WOW! He did what every little kid does- his eyes lit up and he waved.

My heart sang, my eyes teared up and I smiled and waved back.

I am quite positive that if I had missed this moment and heard about it from him and my MIL later in the day, the guilt I would have had would have been heavier then that guilt of going home sick.

Some decisions are SO hard to make. They are usually the ones where the result is so worth it.

Be Well.

Friday, December 5, 2008


"SPEND the afternoon - you can't take it with you" - Anne Dillard

Friday, October 31, 2008


Had a great conversation with a friend yesterday. A girl I went to school with, actually she was in my brothers grade. Over the years we have bumped into each other here and there and always taken a few moments to catch up. I always had the feeling that catching up with her and taking that time was serendipitous. There was a reason. This week it turned out that she was the perfect person for me to talk to about an idea that I had. Not only did we have an honest and thought provoking conversation about my idea, but better yet we were able to share experiences and confirm to each other that we are on the right track with our lives. You know sometimes you just need that confirmation from another person.

If you see an acquaintance in line at the grocery store. I encourage you to strike up a conversation take the 10 mins to have a meaningful exchange. Your life will be better for it. I promise.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

This Life I Created

Not sure what to do with this blog yet but I will let you know soon.